Wavenumber Calibration
The final step is to compute a wavelength/wavenumber calibration using the many
telluric lines in our data (see, they're good for
something!). Select the extracted comparison star (or object)
spectrum as the one we wish to identify features from. Then we'll run
three tasks:
- identify: will allow us to mark and identify narrow
features in our spectra. Mark features with m, type in
the wavenumber frequency of the feature; when you're done, fit
the features with f and hit q when you're
done! You should have an RMS error of less than about 0.005
cm-1 at K-band.
- refspec: will reference the spectrum we identified with
any data spectra we want to have wavenumber-calibrated.
- dispcor: will apply the wavenumber solution to the data
spectrum. We are done. Really. :)
Reviewing the Final Product and Exporting Your
Now you can check out your spectrum in splot.
You can export your spectrum to anything that can read FITS
files, or you can export the spectrum as a table of ASCII text using
![parameters screenshot for wspectext](wspec.gif)
Click here for text parameters
The following is the final spectrum of S140 IRS 1, exported and
plotted using PGPLOT, suitable for publishing and framing. :)
You've come a long way, baby. :) [Next Step: Just add science...]
Craig Kulesa
Last modified: Sat Jul 21 01:31:03 MST 2001