Sample Questions for Quiz #1

Infrared image of Saturn
Saturn with a methane filter

1. Above are two images of Saturn taken by Craig Kulesa at the Mt. Bigelow 1.5-meter telescope in infrared light. The image on the left is a normal broad-color infrared image of Saturn. The image on the right was taken with a narrow-filter that looks at wavelengths where methane features can be present. By looking at these images, and knowing that Saturn glows by the reflection of sunlight (at these wavelengths), you could deduce that:

2. If you look outside at night, you see white/yellow, red and blue stars -- but no "green" stars. This is because: 3. Visible light comprises how much of the total electromagnetic spectrum? 4. Order the following three portions of the electromagnetic spectrum in order of increasing energy: 5. Which scenario below might result in an emission-line spectrum in visible light? 6. Which scenario below might best result in an absorption-line spectrum in visible light? 7. The primary function of an astronomical telescope is to: 8. The maximum resolution of a particular astronomical telescope is defined as: 9. What severely limits the effective resolution of a large telescope on the surface of the Earth? 10. What methods are used to improve the resolution of astronomical images? 11. The Space Shuttle orbits the Earth at a typical speed of 17,000 mph. What minimum speed would we have to achieve to allow the Space Shuttle to escape the Earth's gravity (to send it to the Moon, for example)? 12. Suppose you weigh 150 lb on Earth. If you moved to a planet with twice the mass AND twice the diameter, what would be your new weight? 13. If you replaced the Sun with a black hole of identical mass, what would happen to the orbit of the Earth?
Craig Kulesa
Last modified: Wed Feb 10 16:17:24 MST 1999