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Astronomy 302
Single-Dish Radio Observations of the Sun
Spring 2000
Introduction: Up to this point in this course, you have
learned about basic concepts of radio astronomy in a laboratory
setting. This week, we will put all of our new-found knowledge
towards an observational challenge: characterization of a
one-meter radio telescope, and measurement of the 4 GHz radio
temperature of the Sun. In particular, we will cement the following
concepts that you are already familiar with:
- Gaussian beam patterns: we will measure the ``field of view'', or beam
width of the telescope.
- Source-beam coupling: When the object's angular displacement is
smaller than the telescope beam width on the sky, the brightness of
the object is ``diluted'' because the telescope beam is looking
at blank sky in addition to the object.
- Sensitivity measurements: We will obtain an estimate of T
from our observations. We can use these measurements to
determine the sensitivity of our telescope.
- Concept of antenna ``brightness'' temperature: We
will measure the radio brightness temperature of the Sun.
Experimental Apparatus:
Figure 1:
The experimental setup, consisting of the 0.83 meter antenna, 4 GHz
C-band feed horn and low-noise amplifier, total power box, integrator,
and voltmeter.
- 1.
- 0.83-meter radio dish: Off-axis parabolic dish normally used by
NRAO for site testing of future millimeter and submillimeter
telescopes and interferometers.
- 2.
- Feed horn, amplifier: ``C-band'' feed horn, commonly used for
TV satellite dishes. The ``C-band'' is almost 1 GHz wide, centered
approximately at a frequency of 4 GHz.
- 3.
- Total Power Box: The output of the amplifier is transmitted via
coaxial cable to a device which integrates the intensity of radio-wave
radiation over the entire bandpass receivable by the
feedhorn/amplifier system. The result is a single number that
represents the relative total collected power.
- 4.
- Integrator/Voltmeter: A low-pass RC filter (also known as an
integrator) eliminates high-frequency noise; the circuit is
essentially a frequency-sensitive
voltage divider. At high frequencies the output behaves as if it is
shorted to ground, while at low frequencies the output appears as an
open circuit. The effective integration time of this circuit is
and the cutoff frequency where half of the power is
removed is given by
The time constant of the
integrator/filter we will use is approximately one second.
Figure 2:
Circuit diagram and sketchy frequency response of a low-pass
This lab will be performed using the
0.83-meter radio
located on the roof adjacent to the 4'' James refractor. Follow the steps outlined below and write-up the lab
using the same guidelines used in earlier lab reports. Show ALL work,
analyze ALL data and discuss the other group's data thoroughly, as if
it were your own.
- 1.
- Owing to its proximity, the Sun is a bright radio source at most
radio wavelengths. A reliable gauge of solar activity is the
brightness, or flux of the Sun at a wavelength of 10.7 cm, or
2.8 GHz. A number of solar radio observatories report the daily
average solar flux at this frequency. You can listen to WWV to get
this information. WWV is a short-wave station, transmitting at 2.5, 5,
10, 15 and 20 MHz, that provides accurate time, solar flux, marine
weather advisories, and GPS (Global Positioning System) status
reports. You can learn more about WWV at
You can also get the average daily values by accessing the Web page
We will use this solar flux estimate to determine our telescope's
temperature scale:
the solar flux in units of 10-22 watts/m2Hz (SFU)
G = gain of telescope
beam solid angle
wavelength of observation
Derive the above expression using the Rayleigh-Jeans approximation
- 2.
- First, point the telescope at the Sun until you see a peak in
the output of the voltmeter and total power box. Note the location of
the feed horn shadow on the dish; mark it at the ``peak'' if it has
not been done for you. With the Sun ``peaked'' in the Gaussian beam
``field-of-view'', average about a minute of voltmeter readings. This
is your ``on-source'' signal.
- 3.
- Next, point the telescope well away from the Sun - to blank
sky. Average about a minute of voltmeter readings. This is your
mean ``off-source'' signal. Keep the individual readings; you will use
them to estimate T
- 4.
- Carefully move the telescope ``ahead'' (i.e. west) of the Sun's
current position. Let the Sun drift through the beam, taking
measurements at fixed intervals (e.g. every minute). Knowing how fast
the Sun ``moves'' through the sky (
minutes per
degree moved, where
is the declination of the Sun in the
sky), estimate the size of the telescope's beam
from your data. Now calculate the expected beam width of the antenna,
at 4 GHz. How does the calculated value compare to the measured one?
Why might they be different?
- 5.
- Measure the gain of the antenna. Recall that the gain is defined
as the fraction of sky that the antenna sees at once:
is the beam solid angle, or approximately
the number of ``square'' radians covered by the antenna beam. Assume
that the beam has the projection of a circle on the sky and calculate
and therefore G. Compare the gain of this antenna
with the gain of a length of wire, which has a gain of about 2 (an
isotropic radiating antenna has a gain of identically 1).
- 6.
- Before we go on to the next step, let's stop and understand this
radio temperature of the Sun. To do so, we need to take account of one further
fact. The area of the sky that our radio telescope gathers flux from is
significantly larger than the Sun. This means that the temperature
(intensity) we measure is that of the Sun, but smeared out over the area of
the sky the radio telescope measures. The correction is just the relative
areas of the Sun on the sky and the radio telescope's beam on the sky.
Because the Sun's actual size is much smaller than the antenna beam-size,
we are ``diluting'' the Sun's brightness temperature; in fact, this is called
beam dilution:
Figure 3:
An object with smaller source size than the beam will suffer
from beam dilution - the measured beam temperature in this case will
be 200K, not 1000K as naively anticipated.
To correct for the effects of beam dilution, the actual measured
equivalent temperature is given by:
is the apparent size of the Sun in degrees, also called
the source size. Note that if the source size is comparable to the
antenna beam width,
Using the
value for
you measured above and assuming
calculate the actual equivalent temperature,
the radio emission from the Sun. Is it comparable to the thermal
temperature of the Sun? If not, why might it be very different at
these frequencies?
Using your value of
compute a calibration factor for
the receiver (i.e. degrees/volt).
- 7.
- Reconsider your data, integrating on blank sky. Compute the 1
(RMS) scatter in these values (use a spreadsheet, write a
program, etc.), apply the calibration factor above, and determine an
approximate value for TRMS. Assuming a bandwidth of 100 MHz,
compute how much on-source integration time it would take to reach a
sensitivity of 1 Kelvin with this telescope.
Next: About this document ...
Craig Kulesa