Abstract: One of the most important
characteristics of a radio receiver system is its sensitivity,
that is, its ability to detect a signal of a certain intensity. The
amount of inherent system noise (due to atmosphere, telescope optics and
alignment, and receiver optics and electronics) is the fundamental
quantity that dictates the sensitivity of a radio telescope; i.e. how
much integration time it will take to detect a signal of a certain
strength. In this laboratory experiment, you will measure the
effective noise power of the 1.4 GHz hydrogen-line feed horn and
amplifier system used on the 12-foot Student Radio Telescope, to be
relocated on Steward Observatory's new 6th floor.
Introduction: In optical astronomy, the intensity of
light from an astronomical source is usually defined in terms of a
frequency-integrated specific intensity, in units of
wattsm-2 (MKS) or ergs
(CGS). At radio wavelengths, a more convenient unit of evaluating
intensity is the equivalent blackbody temperature that
corresponds to that intensity of light at that frequency. Plotting
several blackbody curves at once, it is readily apparent that at a
particular frequency, a certain intensity uniquely maps to a
particular blackbody at a certain temperature:
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This notation may seem initially cumbersome, but one rapidly finds it to be a vastly better match to the techniques of radio astronomy than the classical definition of specific intensity. For example, optically thick broad-band submillimeter and infrared dust emission emits with a characteristic blackbody spectrum; the measured antenna temperature of the dust emission therefore relates directly to the physical temperature of the dust. Similarly, saturated emission lines coming from atoms and molecules in a molecular cloud emit with a maximum intensity that corresponds to the kinetic temperature of the molecular cloud under the assumption of thermodynamical equilibrium. Also, when measuring the blackbody temperature of a known object, such as the Moon or a planet, the ratio of the observed antenna temperature to the expected antenna temperature yields the telescope/receiver beam efficiency, an important figure of merit for radio telescopes.
The amount of on-source integration time needed to integrate to a desired
RMS (root-mean-square, or 1-)
noise level may be written in
terms of a system equivalent noise temperature, commonly written
as T
Clearly, the necessary on-source integration time to reach a certain
RMS noise temperature
and with bandwidth B, depends
critically upon T
What comprises T
and how do
we reduce it? The system noise temperature when looking at blank sky
can be decomposed into the following:
is the temperature of a hot load (usually a
eccosorb vane at ambient room temperature inserted into the beam),
is the atmospheric opacity at the observed zenith angle,
is the hot spillover efficiency (the fraction of power not
falling on ``hot'' objects, like spilling over past the primary mirror
edge and looking at the ground, etc...), and T
is the
receiver equivalent-noise temperature.
How do we measure T? We provide a calibration between
equivalent blackbody temperature and receiver voltage by putting two
objects of differing, known temperatures into the beam. The ``hot
load'' is usually a piece of eccosorb at room temperature inserted
into the beam, and the ``cold load'' is a piece of eccosorb dipped in
liquid nitrogen. The relation needed to compute T
where P is a measure of the total power observed while observing the hot and cold loads, and Pn is a measure of the intrinsic receiver equivalent noise power.
The following hardware is needed to perform this experiment:
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You will measure the noise temperature of the SRT's feed horn and amplifier system, by inserting a hot load and cold load in front of the feed horn system and measuring the resulting total power in each case. You will then use the signal generator to simulate detecting the 1.42 GHz hydrogen recombination line. Guidelines for the writeup are specified in last week's lab, as both experiments will be submitted on February 7th. You can choose to write each exercise up separately, or combine them as you see fit. I will not impose a formal structure for the lab report so long as it is written in a readable, organized and thorough fashion. The goal of the lab report should be to communicate what you did and what you learned so that I could repeat the experiment based based upon your descriptions.
Pay close attention to the following things when performing the lab: