XEphem Logo and RPM Logo

XEphem is a freely distributed interactive astronomy program for UNIX-based systems with X-Windows. Whether it's viewing the Solar System from above, to making ephemeris tables, or viewing Solar System objects , to looking at tonight's night sky, to exploring individual objects in detail using online images and catalogs... XEphem can do it! :)

You can learn more about this excellent program, written by Elwood Downey of the Clear Sky Institute, by exploring the XEphem Home Page.

The regular installation of XEphem is somewhat complicated in the light of modern packaging tools like RPM. To this end, I have built RPM packages of XEphem that should serve useful. Just plug the XEphem runtime package in and play! Those who use Linux on other architectures can use the source RPM (SRPM) to build their own package (but please forward it to me so I can post it for others!).


XEphem RPMs for Linux on x86

RPM name File size RPM Description
xephem-3.7.3-2.i386.rpm 12 Mbytes XEphem 3.7.3 for Redhat 9/Fedora Core 1-4 (glibc 2.3)

XEphem Source RPM

RPM name File size RPM Description Package requirements
xephem-3.7.3-2.src.rpm 19 Mbytes Source RPM; for other Linux distributions and alternate architectures X-Windows, C, and OpenMotif development packages
xephem-3.6.4-2.src.rpm 9.0 Mbytes Source RPM for previous version X-Windows, C, and OpenMotif development packages

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Last modified: Aug 9, 2008